Popular Culture: G.I. and Women's Role Cartoons

The following editorial cartoons related to G.I. life and the changing role of women during the war are from the Civilian Front newspaper, which collected them from newspapers nationwide.

2 men stand & talk while a 3rd man with no head walks by. 

"Frankly, I think they're overdoing these G.I. haircuts."

1 men sit and talk at a lunch table. 

"I'm looking forward to the furlough, but I hate to think of eating my wife's cooking again."

Mother fixing her hair in a mirror. Girl in apron approaches her with a towel. 

"Mother! Just look at what you did to one of our best guest towels!"

4 women talk to a male boss while 5 other male employees bend and lay on the ground in sorrow. 

"We just settled a little argument about women's ability to turn out ammunition."

(Image and caption source: Various Newspaper Editorial Cartoons, Civilian Front Newspaper, 1942-1943. Folders 5-8, Box 34, Defense Council Records, OSA.)