Department of Transportation Records Guide, 1846-1991

Agency His​tory​​
Department of Transportation functions, significant historical developments, chronologies and bibliographic information. 

Summary of the major types of records, overall date spans and quantities

Department of Transportation records with series title, functions, date spans and quantity. 


Sample photographs from the Department of Transportation records.
Car on dirt road.
A 1937 Ford leaves a trail of dust as it rounds a corner on the road to Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood. Snow-covered Mt. Jefferson is in the background. This is one of hundreds of tourism photographs that are part of the highway records. (OHD282)

​Related Collections

Oregon Historic Photograph Collection​
Maintained by Salem Library

A 1940 Journey Across Oregon 
An exhibit matching state tourism photographs with descriptions of an adventure from Ontario to Astoria.

An exhibit blending tourism photographs and vintage WPA tour text describing the attractions along Oregon's coastline.