Department of Transportation Record Series Descriptions

.05 cu.ft.

Aircraft Registration Records-Applications & Certificates. Series documents two brief stories submitted by citizens to the "Flying Time" aeronautics radio show broadcast statewide on state-owned radio station KOAC.

Also see Utility and Transportation Company Annual Reports in Oregon State Tax Commission Records for detailed information on individual companies, some including published and promotional materials.​
1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Aircraft Registration Records-Applications & Certificates. Series documents the registration of aircraft in Oregon with the State Board of Aeronautics/Secretary of State. Records include applications, certificates of air worthiness, certificates of registration, and some correspondence. Information includes date; name, residence, and business of the owner; make, model, horsepower, and other data about the aircraft; and registration fee payment information. Most of the records date from 1935 through 1949. The records are arranged chronologically by year.

Also see Utility and Transportation Company Annual Reports in Oregon State Tax Commission Records for detailed information on individual companies, some including published and promotional materials.​
1 cu.ft.

Records document the actions of the Highway Commission as reported in the published biennial reports. Contents include reports of the highway commissioners; reports of the highway engineer; financial statements, statistical information; descriptions of individual projects; and descriptions of market road work. Subjects include state parks; the development of new construction methods; the federal interstate freeway system; and funding. Also included in the 22 volumes are photographs, charts, graphs, and maps.​​
16 cu.ft.
Arrangement: Chronological by meeting date.

Meeting Minutes, 1913-1976, 12 cu.ft.
Records consist of bound volumes that document the actions of the Highway Commission from 1913 until 1973 (volumes 1-57) and the Transportation Commission from 1973 until 1976 (volumes 1-3, part 1). Each volume includes a detailed table of contents arranged numerically by page number. Bound index volumes are also included in Box 12 and are divided into periods of one to several years and thereunder arranged alphabetically by county or subject name. Information includes detailed accountings of expenditures, projects, resolutions, reports, and discussions of the Commission.

Minutes, 1976-1991, 3 cu.ft.
Records include bound volumes of minutes that include exhibits. The volumes do not have tables of contents and there is no index. Volume 4, part 1 through volume 18, part 2 are represented. Volume 3, part 2 covering January 1, 1976 through June 30, 1976 is not present.

Minute Exhibits, 1960-1962, 1 cu.ft.
Records include bound volumes of exhibits submitted to the Highway Commission.


Box 1: Minutes of the Oregon Highway Commission

Vol. 1 June 1913 -Apr. 1917
Vol. 2 Apr. 1917 -Mar. 1918
Vol. 3 Apr. 1918 - Mar. 1919
Vol. 4 Apr. 1919 -Mar. 1920
Vol. 5 Apr. 1920 - Mar. 1921
Vol. 6 Apr. 1921 - Mar. 1922
Vol. 7 Apr. 1922 - Mar. 1923
Vol. 8 Apr. 1923 - Mar. 1924
Vol. 9 Apr. 1924 - Mar. 1925
Vol. 10 Apr. 1925 - Mar. 1926
Vol. 11 Apr. 1926 - Mar. 1927
Vol. 12 Apr. 1927 - Mar. 1928
Vol. 13 Apr. 1928 - Mar. 1929
Vol. 14 Apr. 1929 - Mar. 1930
Vol. 15 Apr. 1930-Mar. 1931
Vol. 16 Apr. 1931- Mar. 1932

Box 2:

Vol. 17 (part 1) Apr. 1932-Aug. 25, 1932
Vol. 17 (part 2) Aug. 26, 1932 - Mar. 1933
Vol. 18 (part 1) Apr. 1933 - Oct. 3, 1933
Vol. 18 (part 2) Oct. 4, 1933 - Dec. 27, 1933
Vol. 18 (part 3) Dec. 28, 1933 - Mar. 1934
Vol. 19 (part 1) Apr. 1934 - July 8, 1934
Vol. 19 (part 2) July 9, 1934 - Oct. 30, 1934
Vol. 19 (part 3) Oct. 31,1934 - Mar. 1935
Vol. 20 (part 1) Apr. 1935 - Sept. 25, 1935
Vol. 20 (part 2) Sept. 26, 1935 - Jan. 8, 1936
Vol. 20 (part 3) Jan. 9, 1936 - Mar. 1936
Vol. 21 (Part 1) Apr. 1936 - July 8, 1936

Box 3:

Vol. 21 (part 2) July 9, 1936 - Nov. 5, 1936
Vol. 21 (part 3) Nov. 6, 1936 - Mar. 1937
Vol. 22 (part 1) Apr. 1937 - July 8, 1937
Vol. 22 (part 2) July 9, 1937 - Nov. 17, 1937
Vol. 22 (part 3) Nov. 18, 1937 - Mar. 31, 1938
Vol. 23 (part 1) Apr. 1938 - June 30, 1938
Vol. 23 (part 2) July 1, 1938 - Nov. 18, 1938
Vol. 23 (part 3) Nov. 19, 1938 - Mar. 31, 1939
Vol. 24 (part 1) Apr. 1939 - July 27, 1939
Vol. 24 (part 2) July 28, 1939 - Dec. 8, 1939
Vol. 24 (part 3) Dec. 9, 1939 - Mar. 1940

Box 4:

Vol. 25 (part 1) Apr. 1940 - July 19, 1940
Vol. 25 (part 2) July 20, 1940 - Nov. 13, 1940
Vol. 25 (part 3) Nov. 14, 1940 - Mar. 1941
Vol. 26 (part 1) Apr. 1941 - July 18, 1941
Vol. 26 (part 2) July 19, 1941 - Nov. 18, 1941
Vol. 26 (part 3) Nov. 19, 1941 - Mar. 1942
Vol. 27 (part 1) Apr. 1942 - July 23, 1942
Vol. 27 (part 2) Aug. 14, 1942 - Mar. 17, 1943
Vol. 28 (part 1) Apr. 1943 - Aug. 27, 1943
Vol. 28 (part 2) Aug. 28, 1943 - Mar. 1944
Vol. 29 (part 1) Apr. 1944 - Oct. 22, 1944
Vol. 29 (part 2) Oct. 23, 1944-Mar. 1945
Vol. 30 (part 1) Apr. 1945 - Sept. 24, 1945

Box 5:

Vol. 30 (part 2) Sept. 25, 1945 - Mar. 1946
Vol. 31 (part 1) Apr. 1946 - Aug. 23,1946
Vol. 31 (part 2) Aug. 24, 1946 - Nov. 26, 1946
Vol. 31 (part 3) Nov. 27,1946 - Mar. 1947
Vol. 32 (part 1) Apr. 1947 - Aug. 26, 1947
Vol. 32 (part 2) Aug. 27, 1947 - Dec. 31, 1947
Vol. 32 (part 3) Jan. 1, 1948 - Mar. 1948
Vol. 33 (part 1) Apr. 1948 - June 29,1948
Vol. 33 (part 2) June 30,1948 - Nov. 5, 1948
Vol. 33 (part 3) Nov. 6, 1948 - Mar. 1949
Vol. 34 (part 1) Apr. 1949 - June 28,1949
Vol. 34 (part 2) June 29,1949 - Nov. 30, 1949

Box 6:

Vol. 34 (part 3) Dec. 1, 1949 - Mar. 1950
Vol. 35 (part 1) Apr. 1950 - July 31,1950
Vol. 35 (part 2) Aug. 1, 1950 - Nov. 30, 1950
Vol. 35 (part 3) Dec. 1, 1950 - Mar. 1951
Vol. 36 (part 1) Apr. 1951- June 30,1951
Vol. 36 (part 2) July 1,1951 - Sept. 30, 1951
Vol. 36 (part 3) Oct. 1, 1951- Dec. 31,1951
Vol. 36 (part 4) Jan. 1, 1952 - Mar. 1952
Vol. 37 (part 1) Apr. 1952 - May 31,1952

Box 7:
v Vol. 37 (part 2) June 1, 1952 - Aug. 31, 1952
Vol. 37 (part 3) Sept. 1952 - Nov. 30, 1952
Vol. 37 (part 4) Dec. 1, 1952 - Mar. 1953
Vol. 38 (part 1) Apr. 1953 - May 31,1953
Vol. 38 (part 2) June 1, 1953 - Aug. 31, 1953
Vol. 38 (part 3) Sept. 1, 1953 - Oct. 31, 1953
Vol. 38 (part 4) Nov. 1, 1953 - Mar. 1954
Vol. 39 (part 1) Apr. 1954 - May 31,1954
Vol. 39 (part 2) June 1, 1954 - Aug. 31,1954

Box 8:

Vol. 39 (part 3) Sept. 1,1954 - Dec. 31, 1954
Vol. 39 (part 4) Jan. 1, 1955 - Mar. 1955
Vol. 40 (part 1) Apr. 1955 - June 29,1955
Vol. 40 (part 2) June 30, 1955 - Aug. 31, 1955
Vol. 40 (part 3) Sept. 1, 1955 - Nov. 30,1955
Vol. 40 (part 4) Dec. 1, 1955 - Mar. 31, 1956
Vol. 41 (part 1) Apr. 1956 - June 30,1956
Vol. 41 (part 2) July 1,1956 - Aug. 31, 1956
Vol. 41 (part 3) Sept. 1, 1956 - Dec. 31,1956

Box 9:

Vol. 41 (part 4) Jan. 1, 1957 - Mar. 1957
Vol. 42 (part 1) Apr. 1, 1957 - June 30,1957
Vol. 42 (part 2) July 1, 1957 - Sept. 30, 1957
Vol. 42 (part 3) Oct. 1, 1957 - Dec. 31, 1957
Vol. 42 (part 4 Jan. 1,1958 - Mar. 1958
Vol. 43 (part 1) Apr. 1958 - Aug. 31, 1958
Vol. 43 (part 2) Sept. 1, 1958 - Nov. 30, 1958
Vol. 43 (part 3) Dec. 1, 1958 - Mar. 1959

Box 10:

Vol. 44 (part 1) Apr. 1959 - June 30,1959
Vol. 44 (part 2) July 1,1959 - Sept. 30, 1959
Vol. 44 (part 3) Oct. 1, 1959 - Mar. 1960
Vol. 45 Apr. 1960 - Mar. 1961
Vol. 46 Apr. 1961-Mar.1962
Vol. 47 Apr. 1962 - Mar. 1963
Vol. 48 Apr. 1963 - Mar. 1964
Vol. 49 Apr. 1964 - Mar. 1965
Vol. 50 Apr. 1965 - Mar. 1966

Box 11:

Vol. 51 Apr. 1966 - Mar. 1967
Vol. 52 Apr. 1967 - Mar. 1968
Vol. 53 Apr. 1968 - Mar. 1969
Vol. 54 Apr. 1969 - Mar. 1970
Vol. 55 Apr. 1970 - Mar. 1971
Vol. 56 Apr. 1971- Mar. 1972
Vol. 67 Apr. 1972 - June 1973

Box 11 (cont'd): Minutes of the Oregon Transportation Commission

Vol. 1 July 1, 1973 - June 1974
Vol. 2 (part 1) July 1974 - Dec. 31,1974
Vol. 2 (part 2) Jan. 1, 1975 - June 30,1975

Box 12:

Vol. 3 (part 1) July I, 1975 - Dec. 31, 1975
Vol. 3 (part 2) Jan. 1,1976 - June 30, 1976

Box 12 (cont'd): Index to the Highway Commission Minutes

Vol. 1-11 June 1913 - Mar. 1927
Vol. 12 -17 Apr. 1927 - Mar. 1933
Vol. 18 - 20 Apr. 1933 - Mar. 1936
Apr. 1941- Mar. 1942
Apr. 1942 - Mar. 1943
Apr. 1943 - Mar. 1944
Apr. 1944 - Mar. 1945
Apr. 1945 - Mar. 1946
Apr. 1946 - Mar. 1947
Apr. 1947 - Mar. 1948
Apr. 1948 - Mar. 1949
Apr. 1949 - Mar. 1950
Apr. 1950 - Mar. 1951
Apr. 1951 - Mar. 1952
Apr. 1952 - Mar. 1953
Apr. 1953 - Mar. 1954
Apr. 1954 - Mar. 1955
Apr. 1955 - Mar. 1956
Apr. 1964 - June 30, 1975
July 1975 - June 30, 1976

Box 1: Minutes of the Oregon Transportation Commission

Vol. 4 (part 1) July I, 1976 - Dec. 31, 1976
Vol. 4 (part 2) Jan. I, 1977 - June 30,1977
Vol. 5 (part 1) July I, 1977 - Dec. I, 1977
Vol. 5 (part 2) Jan. 1,1978 - June 30,1978
Vol. 6 (part 1) July I, 1978 - Dec. I, 1978
Vol. 6 (part 2) Jan. I, 1979 - June 30,1979
Vol. 7 (part 1) July I, 1979 - Dec. 31, 1979
Vol. 7 (part 2) Jan. 11980 - June 30,1980
Vol. 8 (part 1) July 1,1980 - Dec. 31, 1980
Vol. 8 (part 2) Jan. 1,1981- June 30,1981

Box 2:

Vol. 9 (part 1) July I, 1981 - Dec. 31,1981
Vol. 9 (part 2) Jan. I, 1982 - June 30,1982
Vol. 10 (part 1) July I, 1982 - Dec. 3D, 1982
Vol. 10 (part 2) Jan. 1,1983 - June 30,1983
Vol. 11 (part 1) July 1,1983 - Dec. 31, 1983
Vol. 11 (part 2) Jan. 1,1984 - June 30,1984
Vol. 12 (part 1) July 1,1984 - Dec. 31, 1984
Vol. 12 (part 2) Jan. 1,1985 - June 30,1985
Vol. 13 (part 1) July 1,1985 - Dec. 31, 1985
Vol. 13 (part 2) Jan. 1,1986 - June 30,1986

Box 3:

Vol. 14 (part 1) July 1, 1986 - Dec. 31, 1986
Vol. 14 (part 2) Jan. 1, 1987 - June 30,1987
Vol. 15 (part 1) July 1,1987 - Dec. 31, 1987
Vol. 15 (part 2) Jan. 1, 1988 - June 30,1988
Vol. 16 (part 1) July 1,1988 - Dec. 31, 1988
Vol. 16 (part 2) Jan. 1, 1989 - June 30,1989
Vol. 17 (part 1) July 1,1989 - Dec. 31, 1989
Vol. 17 (part 2) Jan. 1, 1990 - June 30,1990
Vol. 18 (part 1) July 1, 1990 - Dec. 31, 1990
Vol. 18 (part 2) Jan. 1, 1991 - June 30,1991

Box 4: Exhibits of the Minutes of the Highway Commission

Apr. 21 and 22, 1960
May 10, 1960
June 2 and 3, 1960
July 7 and 8, 1960
July 28, 1960
Aug. 18 and 19, 1960
Sept. 29 and 30,1960
Nov. 3 and 4, 1960
Dec. 12 and 13, 1960
Jan. 27, 1961
Mar. 10, 1961
Apr. 14, 1961
May 26, 1961
June 9, 1961
June 27, 1961
July 28, 1961
Sept. 15, 1961
Oct. 20, 1961
Nov. 15, 1961
Dec. 8, 1961
Jan. 19, 1962
1.2 cu.ft.

Bridge Construction Files, 1920-1952, 1 cu.ft.
Records document the construction and repair of bridges and other structures. Records include information about the major coastal bridges, Morrison Bridge, Burnside Bridge, Interstate Bridge, Bridge of the Gods, several other proposed Columbia River bridges, Independence Bridge, and others. Records also document the construction of ferry slips at Astoria, the erection of the foremast of the Battleship Oregon in Portland, and major repairs to the Vista House overlook of the Columbia River. Types of records include reports, correspondence, maps, plans, charts, and inter-filed photographs.

Bridge Construction Files, ca. 1920-ca. 1952, .20 cu.ft.
Records include photographs that have been separated from the records described above.​
.5 cu.ft.

Series provides index information to bridge construction drawings held by the Department of Transportation (Security Copy Depository microfilm: contact Department of Transportation records officer for access). The index pages are photocopied and are arranged alphabetically by county name. The index includes a brief description of the bridge as well as the assigned drawing number.​
.5 cu.ft. 

Series includes 6 oversized mounted watercolor renderings that show the Willamette River Bridge between Oregon City and West Linn and the Fremont Bridge in Portland.​
4.80 cu.ft.
Arrangement: numerically by bridge number

Series documents inspections conducted by the Highway Department of bridges in most Oregon counties from ca. 1941 through 1945. Records include one inventory sheet for each bridge with one to three attached photographs. Information on the inventory sheet includes name of waterway over which bridge crosses; road and mile number; county; inspector's name; date; and bridge number. Bridges of all sizes and designs (log, covered, etc.) are included in the inventory. The records are arranged numerically by bridge number. This also corresponds largely with arrangement by county.

5 boxes of processed photographs (#12,000-#13,749) are also available.

A searchable database of these photos is available. Please contact​ for details.
ca. 1885-1942
.25 cu.ft.
Arrangement: alphabetical

Series documents the boundaries and location of lots within cities and additions. Most incorporated cities are represented. Some include written legal descriptions of boundaries. Most of the documents are 9" by 12" copies of the original plats on file in the county. Some are hand drawn. While most of the plats date from 1935, the range extends from ca. 1885 to 1942. The records are arranged alphabetically by name of city. See also separate inventory listing #1 (pdf) as well as Maps, City Plat record series.​
28 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Cont. Record Book: State Highway Expenditures. Series documents expenditures for highways and related property such as parks, quarries, maintenance stations and stockpile sites. Records are generally divided to separately document such actions as construction, maintenance, parks and timber, quarries, pits and stockpile sites, and rights-of-way.

Vol. 1: Construction of primary highways in Baker-Grant Counties.
Vol. 2: Construction of primary highways in Harney -Marion Counties.
Vol. 3: Construction of primary highways in Morrow-Yamhill Counties.
Vol. 4: Construction of secondary highways, by county.
Vol. 5: Summaries of construction expenditures, by county.
Vol. 6: All highway expenditures in cities, arranged alphabetically by city.
Vol. 7: General control ledger summaries of all highway expenditures.
Vol. 8: Job cost summaries, by county.
Vol. 9: Maintenance of highways within cities, by county, thereunder by city.
Vol. 10: Betterment, survey, etc. of highways within cities, by county, thereunder by city.
Vol. 11: Maintenance of primary highways in Baker-Klamath Counties.
Vol. 12: Maintenance of primary highways in Lake-Yamhill Counties.
Vol. 13: Maintenance of secondary highways, by county.
Vol. 14: Summaries of maintenance of local, county, secondary, and primary roads, by county.
Vol. 15: Maintenance of stations and shop sites, by county.
Vol. 16: Maintenance expenditure transfers, by county.
Vol. 17: Parks, waysides, and rest areas expenditures, by county.
Vol. 18: Maintenance stations expenditures, by county.
Vol. 19: Primary highway quarries and pits expenditures, by county.
Vol. 20: Primary highway stockpile sites expenditures, by county.
Vol. 21: Secondary highway quarries, pits, and stockpile sites, by county.
Vol. 22: Summaries of quarries, pits, and stockpile sites expenditures for all roads, by county.
Vol. 23: Quarries, pits, stockpile sites, and rights-of-way expenditure transfers, by county.
Vol. 24: Right-of-way expenditures for maintenance, stations, stockpile sites, quarries and pits, and parks within cities, by county, thereunder city. (discontinued 1949)
Vol. 25: Right-of-way expenditures for construction and maintenance of quarries, pits, and stockpile sites related to local roads, by county.
Vol. 26: Primary highway right-of-way expenditures, by county.
Vol. 27: Secondary highway right-of-way expenditures, by county.
Vol. 28: Summary of right-of-way expenditures, by county.​
70 cu.ft.
Arrangement: numerically by contract number

Series documents actions taken to execute contracts between the Oregon Highway Department and various contractors. Series also documents authorization for payment (usually from the State Highway Fund). Types of work include new construction and maintenance of roads, highways, and associated improvements such as culverts, bridges, and tunnels. Records include correspondence, memoranda, invoices, maps, price lists, extra work orders, estimates, payment authorizations, and related documents.

The records are arranged numerically by contract number, which corresponds generally with chronological by contract let date. Contract numbers usually can be obtained by research in the Highway Commission meeting minutes and indexes documented in the Transportation Commission Meeting Minutes records series.​
1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Series documents the development, negotiation, and review of contracts related to the Highway Department by J.M. Devers who served as legal counsel to the Highway Commission. Records include contract drafts, correspondence, and related documents. They do not constitute a comprehensive review of all Highway Department contracts during the period. Records are arranged roughly chronologically by date of contract review.​
39 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Series documents Highway Department actions in relation to the planning, design, building, and maintenance of highways in all 36 counties. Records include correspondence between various levels of Highway Department employees as well as correspondence with contractors, county and city officials, vendors, and private citizens. In addition to correspondence, the records include reports, logs, receipts, plans, maps, telegrams, and related documents. The records are arranged alphabetically by county name, thereunder by folder with subject title and unidentified alpha-numeric code.

See also the Correspondence, General record series for county based correspondence from 1912 to 1920.​
33.25 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Series documents the activities of the State Highway Commission and the Highway Department. Subjects include the planning, design, building, and maintenance of highways and parks as well as interactions with other state agencies, local governments, states, the federal government, contractors, vendors, and the public.

General Correspondence, 1912-1933, 33 cu.ft.
Records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, plans, maps, receipts, telegrams, minutes, vendor literature, newspaper clippings, and related documents. Correspondence for the years 1912 through 1920 includes detailed records of department activities in each of Oregon's 36 counties. See the Correspondence, County record series for a continuation of this from 1920 through 1933. The records are arranged chronologically by year, thereunder by alpha-numeric code. See the index folder at the beginning of the records for each year for detailed access information.

Gen. Files, 1935-ca. 1943, .25 cu.ft.
Records include correspondence, minutes, memoranda, and reports that are inter-filed with publications.
Correspondence, State Highway Commission Counsel
4.25 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological 

Correspondence of Chief Counsel J.M. Devers, 1919-1949, 4 cu.ft.
Records primarily documents the official actions of J.M. Devers, Assistant Attorney General, as the chief counsel for the State Highway Commission. Records also documents non-official and family related subjects such as correspondence with his brother and an alumni association. Records include correspondence (often giving legal advice related to the development of highways), memoranda, maps, reports, minutes, agendas, receipts, notes, brochures, newspaper clippings, and publications. Some of the records are arranged loosely alphabetically by subject, thereunder chronologically by date of action. Many of the records are unarranged.

Opinions re: Laws, 1935-1949, .25 cu.ft.
Records document the actions of attorneys representing the State Highway Commission. The records consist primarily of correspondence but also include memoranda, newspaper clippings, and publications. They are arranged in reverse chronological order by date of opinion.
.35 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

J.H. Scott, Resident Locator Miscellaneous Correspondence.
Records include correspondence, memoranda, progress reports, maps, telegrams, ledger books, field books, and related documents. Also includes some records that may not be related to J.H. Scott. The records are unarranged and are housed in Box 13.
1919-ca. 1960
13.55 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Resident Engineer Diaries, 1919-ca. 1960, 12.80 cu.ft.
Records document the actions of Highway Department resident engineers in relation to the construction, improvement, and maintenance of highways, bridges, culverts, maintenance buildings, and other related assets. Information includes date; contract number (see also the Contract Progress and Payment Records series); name of project, engineer, contractor, highway, and county; daily weather conditions; size of crew; and work completed. The records are arranged loosely by project. Most of the diaries date from ca. 1937 to ca. 1960.

Diaries, 1919-1937, .30 cu.ft.
Records document primarily the actions of R.H. Baldock as an engineer for the Highway Department from 1925 through 1937 (a few of the diaries are unlabeled and may document the work of other engineers). The records also include two diaries from P.O. Harding from 1919 and 1920.

Time Books, 1919-1920, .05 cu.ft.
Records document time worked by staff under a particular engineer for the payroll purposes.

Diary of J.G. Bromley, 1920, .10 cu.ft.
Diary documents work done on the Grants Pass to Pleasant Valley section of the Pacific Highway.

Log Books and Engineer Notebooks, 1924-1944, .30 cu.ft.
Diaries and log books document primarily the actions of Mervyn Stephenson as an engineer for the Highway Department (some of the diaries are not identified but appear to document the work of Stephenson). The bulk of the notations refer to highway and bridge construction in eastern Oregon. Most of the records document the period of the late 1920s through the 1930s.
.55 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Ferry Operations, 1922-1974, .35 cu.ft.
Series documents actions by the state Highway Department in relation to state owned ferries. Subjects include the purchase, sale, and lease of ferries and terminals, the operation of certain ferries, and the history of the Astoria-Megler ferry. Records include financial and traffic studies, contracts, plans, specifications, correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, maps, and photographs.

Photographs, Astoria-Megler Ferry, ca. 1948, .20 cu.ft.
Photographs primarily document the "Mr. Chessman" ferry boat commissioned in 1948 to run between the Astoria, Oregon and Megler, Washington terminals on the Columbia River.
.80 cu.ft., 1 volume
Arrangement: varies

Check Registers, 1915-1917, .10 cu.ft.
Records include one check register. Information includes name of recipient, amount, and number.
Financial Statements, 1936-1941, .30 cu.ft.
Records include bound financial statements (quarterly reports) including information about jobs advertised and contracts awarded.

Journals, 1919-1939, .25 cu.ft.
Records document highway project financial transactions. Information includes date, project number and name, and amount.
Revolving Fund Book, 1919-1942, .15 cu.ft.
Information includes payee, amount, date, and reimbursement data.

Road Record, 1913-1914, 1 volume.
Record documents the distribution of expenditures on state funded road projects, primarily the Columbia River Highway.
6.5 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Disaster Project File: 1964-1965 Flood, 1964-1967, 5 cu.ft.
Records document the actions of the Highway Department during and after the "Christmas Flood" of December, 1964 and subsequent flooding in January, 1965. Records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, rental and purchase orders for emergency response and repairs, lists, Teletype carbons, publications, photographs, maps, telegrams, newspaper clippings, work orders, invoices, and related documents. The records are arranged somewhat by record type (e.g., rental forms, Teletype carbons, etc.). See also separate inventory listing #2 (pdf).

Photographs Christmas Flood, 1964, 1.50 cu.ft.
Records include photographs removed from the Disaster Project Files. Some of the photographs are arranged by highway. Others are unarranged.
ca. 1965
.50 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Disaster Project File: 1964-1965 Flood, 1964-1967, 5 cu.ft.
Series consists of one mounted color drawing approximately 36 inches tall by 60 inches wide of the east interchange approaches to the Fremont Bridge over the Willamette River in Portland.
4 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the receipts and expenditures of the Highway Department/Division. Information includes account name and number, classification, transaction date, credits, debits, and balances. Some of the ledger sheets cover information relevant to the entire period.

General Ledger, 1959-1964, 1 cu.ft.

General Ledger, 1964-1974, 2 cu.ft.

General Ledger-Expenditure, 1965-1969, 1 cu.ft.​
17 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

[Original Hutchinson and Spooner Drawings], 1936-1958, 14 cu.ft.
Records document the products of two Highway Department graphic artists, Frank Hutchinson and Harold L. Spooner. The artists drew bridges, buildings, highway interchanges, and other features from 1936 through 1958. The drawings, which number over 100, vary in size but most range between 2 ft. by 4 ft. to 4 ft. by 6 ft. They are drawn on heavy matte board.

Huthinson/Spooner inventory listing #3 ​

Copies of Drawings by Hutchinson or Spooner, 1936-1958, 2.50 cu.ft.
Records apparently include photocopies of all drawings and include several photocopies of many drawings.

Hutchinson and Spooner Drawing Negatives, 1936-1958.
Records include negatives of all original drawings and also include some photographic prints.

​Frank Hutchinson Siuslaw River Bridge at Florence
Frank Hutchinson Coos Bay Bridge
Frank Hutchinson Alsea Bay Bridge Waldport
Frank Hutchinson Drawing Yaquina Bay Bridge​

ca. 1938
.40 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Aerial Photographs and Graphic Art Drawings.
Series documents graphic art drawings generated by sources other than the Oregon State Highway Department. The great majority of the drawings are from the city of Portland Public Works Department. Other drawings included are from the cities of New York and London. They primarily show street intersections and other traffic interchanges. Records are inter-filed with those described in the Photographs, Aerial record series.
.1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the report of the Portland City Engineer in relation to the acquisition of property from SW Sheridan St. to SW Bancroft St. for the extension of Highway 99W. Bound report includes property descriptions, maps, and cost estimates. This brown volume is located at the back of the box.​
.5 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Awards.Series documents awards received by the Department of Transportation for the design, engineering, and construction of bridges, overpasses, underpasses, and highway interchanges. Records include certificates and photographs.​
Photographs, Aerial
ca. 1948-ca. 1968
3.50 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Aerial Photographs, ca. 1948-1958, 1.5 cu.ft.
Records document portions of Oregon cities as photographed from an airplane. Subjects include Portland, Hood River, Tigard, and possibly other cities. Some of the photographs document road cuts and geologic strata.

Aerial Photographs and Graphic Art Drawings, ca. 1948-1958. .50 cu.ft.
Records document portions of Portland as photographed from an airplane. Records are inter-filed with those from record series entitled Graphic Art Drawings, Non-State Highway Department.

Aerial Photographs, ca. 1954, 1 cu.ft.
Records document portions of Portland and Medford as photographed from an airplane. Records consist of 7 oversized photographs of Portland and 2 oversized photographs of Medford.

Stadium Freeway Aerial Photograph, ca. 1968, .50 cu.ft.
Series consists of one mounted aerial photograph approximately 40 inches tall by 36 inches wide showing the central portion of Interstate 405, otherwise known as the Stadium Freeway, in Portland.
24 cu.ft., 6 microfilm reels
Arrangement: Alphabetically by city name

City Maps, 1936-1980, 24 cu.ft.
Records document incorporated cities in Oregon including streets and surrounding vicinities. The maps are arranged alphabetically by city name. They include boxes 22-37.
Maps, City and Vicinity inventory listing #4a

City Maps, ca.1849-1983, 6 reels of microfilm, Drawer 81, Microfilm Alcove.
Records document incorporated cities and surrounding vicinities from a variety of dates and sources. Includes some plat, assessor's, and related maps. The records are arranged alphabetically by name of city. They include reels 7-12 (reels 39-43 on separate inventory listing).
6 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: n/a 

Series documents plat information such as lots and subdivisions for cities in Oregon. Maps are arranged alphabetically by name of city. They include boxes 41-44 covering the cities of Lafayette through Yamhill. (Boxes 37-40 covering the cities of Adams through Klamath Falls are missing.) 
22 cu.ft.
Arrangement: alphabetically by county name

General Highway Maps, 1936-1980, 21 cu.ft.
Series documents highways, physical features, and development on a county-by-county basis in Oregon. Records include large scale maps arranged by county. Records also include large scale aerial photographs that have been adapted to identify roads. Records are arranged alphabetically by county name. They include boxes 1-14. 
Maps, ​General Highway inventory listing #6​​

General Hwy. Maps, 1936-1941, 1 cu.ft.
Series documents county roads as they existed in 1939. The maps were produced by the Oregon State Highway Department in 1936 and revised in 1939. They include traffic volumes as of 1941. The maps also include such details as the location of hotels, churches, schools, and hospitals. Most counties are represented by several map sheets. Maps exist for the following counties: Deschutes, Douglas, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Marion, Wheeler.
75 cu.ft. (approx)
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents market roads throughout Oregon. The maps vary in size and scale. Most were created by the Oregon State Highway Department but some were created by county road departments with subsequent approval by the state market road engineer. The maps include alignments, profiles, and other views and features.

The records include a binder with flip card indexes to the maps. The cards are arranged alphabetically by county and include brief descriptions of the maps. The maps are arranged numerically by assigned number corresponding with the index description. They are inter-filed and indexed with the first set of maps described in the Maps, Miscellaneous record series.​
7 cu.ft.
Arrangement: alphabetically by county name, thereunder numerically by township and range numbers

Series documents roads, land ownership, physical features, and other information about counties in Oregon. They are on MARC#REFLIB0647 reels 1-7 (reels 33-39 in separate inventory listing).
Maps, Met​sker's inventory listing #7​​
13 cu.ft., 1 microfilm
Arrangement: n/a

[Miscellaneous Maps], ca. 1910-ca.1930, ca. 10 cu.ft.
Records document maps covering a variety of topics. The maps were generated or collected by the State Highway Department. The largest portion of the records consists of maps documenting county roads. Other topics include state highways, sectional maps, national forests, highway improvement districts, bridges, and irrigation projects.

The records include a binder with flip card indexes to the maps. The specific cards documenting these maps are contained in the section entitled "State" and include brief descriptions of the maps. The maps are arranged numerically by assigned number corresponding with the index description. They are inter-filed and indexed with the maps described in the record series entitled Maps, Market Road.

Historic Maps #44, ca. 1846-1977, 1 reel of microfilm, Drawer 81, Microfilm Alcove.Records document a variety of maps showing all or part of Oregon and generated by state, local, and private sources. Subjects include timber holdings, railroads, postal routes, bridges, individual counties and others. They are included on reel 12 (reel 44 on separate inventory listing). 
Maps, Misc​ellaneous, inventory listing #8​​

Misc. Highway Maps, 1936-1952, 1 cu.ft.
Records document the following subjects: Portland public institutions in 1947; Malheur County transportation in 1936; Eugene; Salem in 1941 (13 maps); Clatsop County in 1952; and Medford.

[Miscellaneous Highway Maps and Plans], ca. 1923-1957, 2 cu.ft.
Records document a variety of subjects, including the following: accident analysis; city and vicinity; right-of-way; traffic control; highway design; and others.
1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

State Tourist Maps #44. Series documents official state highway maps generated and distributed by the Transportation (Highway) Commission. The maps show state and local roads and highways; parks; state and national forests; and other features. Many show more detailed views of cities, index listings with city and county populations, and tourism photographs. They are included on reel 12 (reel 44 on separate inventory listing).
Maps, Official State H​ighway inventory listing #9​​
.1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Series provides visual documentation of the planned construction of the Bandon to Curry County line section of the Oregon Coast Highway. They include maps, profiles, quantity summaries, bridge elevations, and engineering information.​
10.50 cu.ft.
Arrangement: alphabetically by county name

Series graphically documents road names and numbers over time on a county-by-county basis. Most of the maps are on mylar and are arranged alphabetically by county name. Includes boxes 15-21.
Maps, Ro​ad and Highway Index inventory listing #10​​
17 cu.ft., 6 vols.
Arrangement: var.

State-Wide Highway Planning Survey, 1936-1939, 5 volumes.
Records document the efforts of the state Highway Department in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Public Roads to survey information about Oregon roads. The 5 oversized map atlases focus on traffic counts; traffic stations; postal routes; city street surfaces; and school bus routes. The maps are arranged generally alphabetically by county name.

Oregon Bus and Truck Routes, 1936-1939, 1 volume. 1/21/08/06. Records consist of 1 oversized map atlas from the survey described above. The maps are arranged generally alphabetically by county name.

Traffic Engineering, 1936-1939, 17 cu.ft.
Records include versions of the maps described above in the atlases. Versions include brown line and Van Dyke negative.​
ca. 1936-ca. 1937
30 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the mapping of street surfaces in cities throughout Oregon. Surfaces include concrete, macadam, graded, unimproved, etc. The maps are approximately 36 inches by 36 inches and are mounted individually on masonite board. They are unarranged.​
15 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: project name or function

Series documents activities related to a contest mandated by the 1987 Legislative Assembly to design a new Oregon license plate. The contest, administered by the Department of Transportation, received more than 8,500 entries. The entries, submitted on folding cards, are arranged numerically by entry number. Semifinalists, finalists, and rejected entries are also included. Other records include related administrative documents such a correspondence, panel selection, news releases, newspaper clippings, photographs, and slides.​
24 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronologically by article date 

Series documents newspaper articles pertaining to the State Highway Commission, state highways, and state parks. Series also includes public notices related to construction bids and other actions. Records include clippings from dozens of Oregon newspapers from around the state (Ontario, Ashland, John Day, Marshfield, etc.) Records are arranged chronologically by article date. 

Clippings do not exist for years 1920 through 1931.​
3.90 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Series documents a variety of financial actions related to the Oregon Coast Highway Bridge Fund dedicated to financing the construction of five major coastal bridges.

Coast Bridges, 1934-1937, 3 cu.ft.
Records include vouchers, voucher registers, invoices, account reconciliations, project cost statements, correspondence, statements, maps, minutes, revenue bonds, and related documents.

Vouchers, Payroll-Oregon Coast Highway Bridge Fund, 1936-1937, .15 cu.ft.

Vouchers, Commercial-Construction and Property Acquisition Oregon Coast Highway Bridge Fund, 1936-1937, .75 cu.ft.​​
.1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a 

Series consists of the 1988 published study by the Oregon Department of Transportation entitled "Oregon Covered Bridges." The study examined the condition of Oregon's covered bridges and recommended preservation methods. 41 pages plus appendixes​
.05 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: project name or function

Series consists of a one page letter from George Finley to former Governor Oswald West in relation to a proposed park at Cascadia.​
.05 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: project name or function 

Series consists of a photographic copy of a drawing by artist Rolf Klep. The drawing depicts a restored view of Fort Clatsop, where the Lewis and Clark Expedition wintered in 1805-1806.​
.05 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents selected historic markers placed in Oregon by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). The list was compiled by the Oregon State Highway Commission and the National Park Service. Sites include homes, cemeteries, trails, towns, and forts.​
.05 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: n/a 

Series documents site survey reports compiled for the National Conference on State Parks, Historic Site Survey Committee. The reports document sites of historic or archeological significance in Oregon. Information includes site name and location; historical or archeological significance, ownership, funding, and other data.​
3 7" reel-to-reels in duplicate
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents interviews, reminiscences, a speech, and additional audio information relating to Oregon history, particularly that of Klamath County and the Silver Falls area of Marion County. The audio tapes include:

The 1968 reminiscences of Alfred Douglas "Cap" Collier who donated much of the land that is now part of Collier Memorial State Park 30 miles north of Klamath Falls. Collier discusses a wide range of subjects such as surveying, logging, his experiences as a captain in World War I, the Klamath Indians, and archaeology. Additionally, he sings songs and tells popular tales from the early 1900s.

Recollections and information from Jackson Kimball (as told by Hal Ogle); Marion Nine, an early Klamath County lumberman; and Pat Gather Wright (about Indian encampments on the east bank of the Deschutes River) are also included.

The 1965 speech presented by Harry Buckley, the National Park Service ranger/engineer who planned the development of the Silver Creek Recreation Area including Camp Silver Creek. The presentation includes discussion of the early 1930s actions of the federal Resettlement Administration to move residents off of marginal farm land in the area; challenges to developing the area; and changes to the park as of 1965.

The records consist of three 7 inch reel-to-reel audio tapes and three duplicate reel-to-reel tapes. The boxes of 2 of the tapes include rudimentary tape logs.​
ca. 1935-1984
22.55 cu.ft., 3 vols.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the efforts of the Travel Information Division to photograph scenes from around Oregon for use in the promotion of tourism and travel for the state. In addition to the resources listed below, reference archivists have information about a searchable electronic index of many of the photographs. A selection of the photographs taken along the Columbia River can be viewed at an online exhibit.

Photographs...County, ca. 1935-ca. 1953, 1.30 cu.ft.
Records include tourism photographs arranged alphabetically by county name.

Photographs, ca. 1935-ca. 1972, 6.50 cu.ft.
Records include tourism photographs that are inter-filed with photographs taken for legal and technical reasons as described in the Photographs and Negatives, Legal and Technical record series in the Highway section of this finding aid. The tourism photographs are arranged in the following ways: the bulk of the photographs are arranged numerically by assigned photograph/negative number (see registers listed below); "county" photographs are arranged alphabetically by county name; and the "miscellaneous" photographs are arranged by subject. Many of the photographs listed in the registers do not exist in print form. See negatives listed below for a complete representation and ask reference archivist for information about procedures for duplication.

Negatives, ca. 1935-1984, 14.50 cu.ft.
Records include tourism photographic negatives that are inter-filed with negatives created for legal and technical reasons as described in the Photographs and Negatives, Legal and Technical record series in the Highway section of this finding aid. The negatives are arranged numerically by assigned photograph/negative number (see registers listed below).

[Photograph Registers], ca. 1935-1984, 3 volumes.
Records include three volumes that register the assigned photograph/negative number as well as a brief description of the associated image. The registers also document photographs taken for legal and technical reasons as described in the Photographs and Negatives, Legal and Technical record series in the Highway section of this finding aid.

Photograph Register, ca. 1935-1948, 1 reel of microfilm.
Records consist of volume one of the registers described above.

Photographs Index [Container Listing and Register], ca. 1935-1977, .25 cu.ft.
Records include a partial container listing and a photocopy of the first register volume listed above.
.15 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Proposed Park Sites, 1955, .05 cu.ft.
Records document the investigation and evaluation of three proposed park sites. These consist of the Peter Britt estate in Jacksonville; the Lucy Dunagan property near Silverton; and the first Willamette Valley trading post site near Newberg. Records consist of evaluation reports, maps, drawings, and related records.
Proposed Park Sites, 1955, .10 cu.ft.
Records include photographs of aspects of the above mentioned propose park sites.

Also see separate Parks and Recreation Department finding aid for related records in Samuel Boardman Collection.​​
.20 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the historical and natural background of many of Oregon's state parks and areas of interest (e.g., "Mitchell Country" in Wheeler County). The sketches include information about significant historical individuals and events, local legends, geology, and topography. Most of the sketches were written by park historians and university professors.

Azale​a State Park​

Battl​e Mountain State Park​

Battle Rock State Park​

Booth Hill ​Overlook​

Buena Vista Ocean W​ayside​

Cape Arago Sta​te Park​

Cape Lookout State​ Park​​

Cape Seb​astian State Park​

Columbia Gorge ​State Parks ​(including Rooster Rock, Crown Point and Vista House, Guy W. Talbot, George W. Joseph, Shepperd's Dell, Benson, Oneonta Parking Space, Ainsworth, John B. Yeon, Sheridan Wayside, Lang, Starvation Creek, Viento, Wygant, Seneca Fouts Memorial, Hood River Loops Development Area, Hood River Mosier Forest Wayside, Memaloose Island Overlook, Mayer, Lewis and Clark Plaza

Darlingtonia Sta​te Park​

Ecola St​ate Park​

Harris Beach Stat​e Park​

He​lmick State Park​

Holman Sta​te Park​

Jessie M. Honeyma​n State Park​

John Day Fossil Beds State ​Park​

Lincoln Co​unty State Parks​ (including Boiler Bay, De Poe Bay, Rocky Creek, Otter Crest, Devil's Punch Bowl, Yaquina, Seal Rock, Wood Supply Tract, Waldport Ocean Wayside, South Waldport Ocean Waysides, Yachats)

Peter Skene Ogden State Park​

Rock Creek S​tone Piles​

Saddle Mountai​n State Park​

Samuel Kimbro​ugh State Park​

Shore Acres ​State Park​

Silver Creek Falls State Pa​rk​

Umpqua Lighth​ouse Sta​te Park​​​​​
3 vols.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the role of the Department of Transportation and associated consultants in planning for the multiple use of the Willamette River and adjacent land. The Plan was submitted by the Transportation Commission for final approval by the Land Conservation and Development Commission in 1975. It consists of one volume of the Plan and two volumes of exhibits. Much of the information is in the form of maps and aerial photographs.​
.10 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: n/a 

Accounting Division Barrington Report Data. 
Series documents a report based on a survey by the company Barrington Associates for the Highway Department. The report details work classifications for various positions within the department. Records include salary plans, correspondence, job descriptions, tables, and computer printouts.
.60 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents photographic negatives that were processed by the Highway/Transportation Department for the governor's office and other agencies and groups. Subjects include a wide range of governmental and political officials as well as miscellaneous other subjects. The bulk of the negatives document governors from Paul Patterson through Victor Atiyeh including portraits; ceremonies related to signing legislation and proclamations; meeting officials from other states and countries; and awarding honors to individuals and groups. Other subjects include governors' boards and commissions; state agency events, officials, and buildings; and actor Kirk Douglas fishing on Paulina Lake. The series includes a small number of photographic prints. The records are generally arranged chronologically by photograph date.​​
ca. 1948-ca. 1968
3.50 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Aerial Photographs, ca. 1948-1958, 1.5 cu.ft.
Records document portions of Oregon cities as photographed from an airplane. Subjects include Portland, Hood River, Tigard, and possibly other cities. Some of the photographs document road cuts and geologic strata.

Aerial Photographs and Graphic Art Drawings, ca. 1948-1958. .50 cu.ft.
Records document portions of Portland as photographed from an airplane. Records are inter-filed with those from record series entitled Graphic Art Drawings, Non-State Highway Department.

Aerial Photographs, ca. 1954, 1 cu.ft.
Records document portions of Portland and Medford as photographed from an airplane. Records consist of 7 oversized photographs of Portland and 2 oversized photographs of Medford.

Stadium Freeway Aerial Photograph, ca. 1968, .50 cu.ft.
Series consists of one mounted aerial photograph approximately 40 inches tall by 36 inches wide showing the central portion of Interstate 405, otherwise known as the Stadium Freeway, in Portland. ​
.10 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the Carlton Hotel on 13th and Burnside in Portland before it was removed to make way for the Stadium Freeway (Interstate 405). The photographs and negatives primarily portray various interior views of the hotel.
.75 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Series documents Highway Department trucks and equipment used for the construction and maintenance of highways. Equipment includes bulldozers, pavers, snow plows, guardrail scrubbers, cranes, sanders, tanks, sprayers, and other related items. The records consist of 670 photographs and 550 negatives.​​
.25 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Series documents photographs taken in support of Highway Department biennial reports. Most of the photographs show the results of construction projects related to roads, bridges, and parks. Biennia covered are 1949-1950, 1953-1954, 1955-1956, and 1971-1972.​​
.15 cu.ft.
Arrangement: varies

Series documents landscaping along Oregon freeways (primarily Interstate 5). Records include color photographs mounted on construction paper and including captions identifying type of plant or tree featured in photograph.​​
.10 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the efforts of the Highway Department to provide the public with information about major projects completed in 1966. The highlighted projects include: the bridge across the Columbia River at Astoria; the Marquam Bridge across the Willamette River in Portland; the completion of Interstate 5 through Oregon to four lanes; and progress on Interstate 80N (now Interstate 84) along the Columbia River. A two page news release accompanies this 16 millimeter film.​​
3 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: n/a 

Series documents the administration of the Public Transit Division. Most of the records document work related to the review of grant applications from local nonprofit agencies for state allotment of federal funding to purchase vehicles to transport disabled and elderly people. Records include correspondence, grant applications, contracts, leases, agreements, vehicle inventories, minutes, allotment plans, and related documents. 
Willamette Valley Rail Study Committee Records
5.5 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Series documents the efforts of the Willamette Valley Rail Study Committee to investigate the feasibility of upgraded rail passenger service within Oregon. The Oregon Legislative Assembly created the committee to develop a short term demonstration program and a long-range work program covering 20 years. Records include correspondence, reports, studies, minutes, contracts, bills, surveys, schedules, flyers, exhibits, photographs, slides, publications, and audio cassette and reel-to-reel tapes.
Departm​ent of Transportation: Willamette Valley Rail Study inventory listing #12​​

WVRP, 1975-1983, 5.25 cu.ft.
Photographs and slides, 1975-1983, .25 cu.ft.
Audio tapes (30 cassettes and 24 reel-to reels), 1978-1980, .50 cu.ft.
ca. 1925-ca. 1984
1.9 cu.ft.
Arrangement: n/a

Gen. Files, ca. 1925-ca. 1943, 1.75 cu.ft.
Records include publications such as surveys, handbooks, reports and manuals, most of which were produced by the federal government, other states, and professional organizations. Subjects vary widely, but include traffic control, bus routes and drivers, planning studies, road bed and surface materials, trucking, and surveying. The publications are inter-filed with a small amount of correspondence.

Publications, 1949-1952, .15 cu.ft.
Most of these publications were not produced by the Highway Department but rather originate from the Public Utilities Commission and the Legislative Assembly. The records are located in box 6.

Historical Highway Projects, North Santiam Highway, 1977, .1 cu.ft.

Oregon Historic and Scenic Highway Program, n.d. .1 cu. ft.

Columbia River Highway Historic District, 1984, .1 cu. ft.
1.5 cu.ft.
Arrangement: study site location number

Series documents a study conducted in 1955 by the Highway Department in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. The study was designed to monitor driving habits at several locations around the state in relation to the design and treatment of highway shoulders. It was published in 1955 under the title "Vehicle Placement Study." Records include a large number of charts, graphs, tables, maps, and tabulation sheets. Records also include a publication mock-up, photographs, and photographic proof sheets. Many of the records are arranged by study site location number.​​
28.10 cu.ft.
Arrangement: see below

Mapping and Mileage Control Section Road Logs, 1947-1984, 28 cu.ft.
Records document efforts to record detailed information about public roads in Oregon to assist in planning and engineering efforts. Primary and secondary highways as well as county and forest access roads are included. The survey documents information such as width and type of surface at various mileage points. Information includes description of the beginning and ending point of each survey record; beginning direction; beginning township, range, and section; road record number; latest revision date; name of county; and details of urban and rural mileages. Records are arranged alphabetically by county name, thereunder numerically by road record number.

Road Logs, 1931-1943, .10 cu.ft.
Records include information about features on state highways (bridges, surface or width changes, intersections, etc.). The records do not document the period from 1935 through 1942. They are arranged alphabetically by road name thereunder numerically by mileage point. The road logs consist of 2 black volumes at back of box.​
.75 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronologically by year

Series documents speeches and radio addresses by the state highway engineer and other senior officials of the Highway Department. The speeches were presented at professional conferences, civic organization meetings, radio programs, and other venues. Subjects include modern highway construction and history, roadside beautification, road lighting, funding, the integration of highways with business and residential districts, trucking and safety issues, cooperation with local and federal governments, and the advent of the freeway system. Most of the speeches were by R.H. Baldock who served as state highway engineer from 1932 to 1956. The records are arranged chronologically by year.​​
1 cu.ft.
Arrangement: alphabetically by project name

Series documents the actions of the state architect in relation to additions and improvements to various state buildings around Oregon. Buildings and/or agencies include the Blind School, Deaf School, Eastern Oregon State Hospital, State Fair, Fairview, MacLaren, State Penitentiary, Supreme Court, Tuberculosis Hospital, and the State Capitol. Records include correspondence, plans, memoranda, contracts, product literature, and related documents. The folders are arranged alphabetically by project name.​​
1.4 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Bench Mark Files: Corres. with Computations, 1933-1943, 1.35 cu.ft.
Records document the establishment and maintenance of bench marks in Oregon. Correspondence shows the coordination of efforts between the Oregon Highway Department, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and other entities to accomplish the work. Records also include reports and circulars.

Corres. with Charts-Compilation of Standard Elevations, 1939-1958, .05 cu.ft.
Records document general efforts to maintain bench marks in Oregon. Included is an annotated copy of the publication "Standard Elevations for Oregon" by Lewis A. McArthur from 1939.​
3.25 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Correspondence with Field Notes by County, 1936-1949, 2.20 cu.ft.
Records include correspondence primarily between the Oregon Highway Department and the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The correspondence mostly concerns running survey level lines as well as the destruction of old survey bench marks and the setting of new bench marks. Bench marks are used to record the elevation of particular points. Records also include reports, computation sheets, and memoranda. Some field note books are also included. The records are arranged alphabetically by county name and are located in Boxes 1-3.

Correspondence by Line Number, 1939-1945, .20 cu.ft.
Records document adjustments to survey level lines that establish elevations. Records include correspondence, computation sheets, and maps. The records are arranged numerically by line number and are located in Box 1.

Data Sheets by U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 1929-1949, .60 cu.ft.
Records document the elevation of points along survey level lines. The records are arranged numerically by line number and are located in Box 1.

General Correspondence re: Leveling..., 1924-1945, .15 cu.ft.
Records include correspondence, memoranda, maps, and one publication: "Leveling in Oregon." The records are arranged generally chronologically by date and are located in Box 1.

Other Leveling Correspondence, 1929-1944, .10 cu.ft.
Records includes correspondence with other states, descriptions of magnetic stations, circular letters, and highway mileage work papers and are located in Box 3.​
2.8 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: alphabetical 

Records document the establishment and adjustment of elevations within a given quadrangle (four-side area bounded by parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude used as an area unit in mapping). The quadrangles are named for a prominent community or feature within its borders. Records include correspondence, quadrangle maps, adjustment and computation sheets, and bulletins. The records are arranged alphabetically by quadrangle name and are located in Boxes 4-6​.
ca. 1950
.05 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: n/a 

Series consists of one paper publication matte bearing the header "Short Handled Shovels Don't Apply." The caption contrasts the construction techniques of the original construction of the Columbia River Highway with more recent methods​.
Oregon Traffic Safety Commission Meeting Records
6.5 cu.ft.
Arrangement: chronological

Series documents the actions of the Oregon State Traffic Safety Commission to develop and conduct a statewide highway safety program. Many of the activities are coordinated with counties, cities, and other state agencies. Records include minutes, exhibits, manuals, studies, and grant applications. The records are arranged chronologically by meeting date.

Traffic Safety Commission Minutes, 1950-1975.

OST Commission Minutes, 1976-1981, 1.50 cu.ft.

Traffic Safety Commission Minutes, 1982-1989, 4 cu.ft.
.75 cu.ft. 
Arrangement: alphabetical 

Series documents efforts by the Highway Department and the Governor’s Committee for Unemployment Relief to monitor the extent of unemployment in all Oregon counties; to coordinate with county officials and relief committees; and to generate work on highways to lessen negative effects. Most of the records consist of correspondence to or from J.M. Devers who served as legal counsel to the Highway Commission and also served on the Governor's Committee. Records also include a number of reports from county judges and other officials describing the severity of the crisis and local actions in the period predating major federal intervention.​
3 cu.ft.
Arrangement: project name or function

Series documents the actions of the Works Progress Administration/Work Projects Administration (WPA) and the State Highway Commission to coordinate highway construction efforts in Oregon. The WPA provided assistance to the state on approved highway construction projects. Records include project proposals, reports, correspondence, memoranda, forms, and regulations. Records are arranged by project name or function (e.g., "Project Reports, 1941").​​
2 men stand at the edge of a washed out road with flood waters going by.
Workers survey a 1953 Salt Creek washout along the Willamette Highway. This photograph is one of many in the ODOT records showing the challenges faced in maintaining Oregon's road system. (OHD Biennial Reports 69-5)

Aerial view of Willamette River
View of Willamette River and Portland's Burnside and Steel bridges, ca. 1960. Aerial Photographs (box 1)
