Campaign Finance Legislation Implementation

​​​​​​​​​State Contribution Limits

In the 2024 session the Legislature passed House Bill 4024, which made ​significant changes to Oregon’s campaign finance laws. The Elections Division has been tasked with implementing House Bill 4024. This page will be updated with guidance as these changes are ongoing. These limits will not be in effect until January 1, 2027. The information on this page should not be interpreted as legal advice.​​​

Small Donor Political Committees

Between January 1, 2027, and March 30, 2027, existing Political Action Committees (PACs) will have an opportunity to reorganize as a Small Donor Political Committee if they have met certain conditions for the duration of the 24 months immediately preceding their reorganization:

  • 90% or more of the total contributions received by the PAC was from:
    • Individuals; and
    • Not more than $250 per individual per calendar year

PACs that want to reorganize as a Small Donor Political Committee will not be able to make this change in ORESTAR until January 1, 2027. However, the PAC should update its internal processes to ensure they meet the criteria above.

Example: if a PAC wants to reorganize as a Small Donor Political Committee on January 1, 2027, it must begin complying with the criteria above beginning on January 1, 2025.​​

Political committees that want to operate as Small Donor Committees at the local level must continue to follow local laws and rules in addition to complying with the criteria above.​

 Any Miscellaneous PAC that remains registered as such by March 31, 2027, will be automatically reorganized as a Multicandidate Political Committee.

​New Small Donor Political Committees

Starting on January 1, 2027, new Small Donor Political Committees will be able to register as such in the online filing system. To qualify as a new Small Donor Political Committee, the committee must meet the following conditions:

  • May not accept more than $250 per year from an individual; and
  • May not accept contributions from:
    • Candidate Committees;
    • Multicandidate Political Committees;
    • Political Party Committees;
    • Legislative Caucus Committees;
    • Membership Organizations; or
    • ​Another Small Donor Political Committee