Large gears inside the Sumpter Valley Dredge, a state heritage area. (Oregon State Archives Photo)
The State of Oregon Law Library (SOLL) traces its origins to the organization of the territorial government of Oregon. The Territorial Act of 1848 provided for the establishment of a library “to be kept at the seat of government.” An 1851 act provided for the appointment of a librarian and defined the librarian’s duties. The library served a broad constituency from its beginnings: “Members of the legislature, and its clerks and officers; Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, and their clerks; Attorney-general and marshal of the Territory; attorneys-at-law, secretary of the Territory; and all other persons, shall have access to the library, and the privileges allowed by law.” This inclusive policy was continued with statehood in 1859. Charge and control of the library was transferred to the Supreme Court in 1913.
Today, the library operates under the administrative authority of the office of the state court administrator. Its mission is to provide the comprehensive legal resources that the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government require to serve the public effectively, and to afford all Oregonians access to legal information.
The library is the largest collection of legal information resources in state government, including the primary law of all U.S. jurisdictions and secondary material in virtually all areas of law.
Source: Cathryn Bowie, State Law Librarian
Address: 1163 State St., Supreme Court Bldg., Salem 97301-2563
Phone: 503-986-5640