State Court Administrator
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A waterfall along Timberline Road in the Cascade Mountains. (Oregon State Archives Photo)
The state court administrator position was created in 1971 to assist the chief justice in exercising administrative authority over the state courts. In 1983, with unification and state funding of the trial and appellate courts, the duties of the position expanded to include human resources, accounting, budget preparation, revenue, management of the legislative program, state court property inventory and procurement, internal audit, maintenance of a statewide automated info system, continuing education programs for judges and staff, public information, and long-range planning for future court needs. (See ORS 8.110 and 8.125)
In addition, the state court administrator oversees staff responsible for managing records of all cases filed with the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Oregon Tax Court; publishes the opinions of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Oregon Tax Court; oversees the State Law Library; and oversees the Office of the State Court Administrator, State Court Security, State Court Interpreter, Certified Shorthand Reporters and State Citizen Review Board programs. Under ORS 30.273, the state court administrator also calculates and posts the annual adjustment to the liability limitations under the Oregon Tort Claims Act.
Source: Nancy Cozine, State Court Administrator
Address: 510 Justice Bldg. Mail: Supreme Court Bldg., 1163 State St., Salem 97301-2563
Phone: 503-986-5500; Oregon Relay 711