Dept of Public Safety Standards and Training: Agency Subdivisions
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Board on Public Safety Standards and Training
Address: 4190 Aumsville Hwy. SE, Salem 97317
Phone: 503-378-2100
Contact: Darren Bucich, Chair; DaNeshia Barrett, Vice Chair
DPSST’s overall mission is guided by this board and five discipline-specific public safety policy committees. Membership of the board is outlined in statute and provides a comprehensive representation of the constituent base.
The board and committees set standards for employment, training and certification or licensure of public safety professionals, fire service professionals, private security professionals, private investigators and polygraph examiners. Quarterly board and committee meetings review standards and curriculum, administrative rule changes, requests for waivers of the standards and cases addressing the denial or revocation of certification or licensure. The board and committees assist DPSST to set agency goals for the future through guidance and input regarding policy direction and strategic planning.