State Board of Education
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5600
Fax: 503-378-5156
The board provides leadership and vision for Oregon’s public schools and districts by enacting equitable policies and
promoting educational practices that lead directly to the educational and life success of every student.
The board sets policies and standards for Oregon’s public school districts and educational service districts. All of these agencies have separate governing bodies responsible for transacting business within their jurisdictions. The board is also responsible for adopting administrative rules that the Oregon Department of Education implements.
The board has seven members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. Members are appointed to represent Oregon’s congressional districts, and two members represent the state at large. One at large appointed member must be engaged in teaching as a licensed teacher. Appointed members serve four-year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms. Board members elect their chair each year. The state treasurer and the secretary of state or their designees also serve on the board as nonvoting, ex officio members. The board holds public meetings at least six times per year.
Fair Dismissal Appeals Board
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5915
Fax: 503-378-5156
Contact: Emily Nazarov, Government and Legal Affairs Manager
The Fair Dismissal Appeals Board consists of 24 members appointed by the governor: six public school administrators, six contract teachers, six school board members and six who must have no occupational affiliation with a school district. Each category must be further distributed by size of school district.
The board was created to hear appeals of teacher and administrator dismissals by school districts. Once an appeal is filed, a three-member panel is selected by the board’s executive secretary to hear the appeal and render a decision.
Quality Education Commission
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5670
Fax: 503-378-5156
Contact: Cindy Hunt, Chief of Staff
The commission’s role is to identify educational best practices and to estimate the level of funding required to ensure kindergarten through grade 12 public education meets the goals established in statute. To fulfill that charge, the commission researches educational best practices and estimates the costs of implementing them. The model used to estimate educational costs, known as the Quality Education Model, is maintained by the commission with assistance from the Oregon Department of Education.
Address: 700 Summer St. NE, Suite 350, Salem 97301
Phone: 503-947-1400
Contact: Alyssa Chatterjee, Director
This new department will become a stand-alone agency on July 1, 2023, after being a division of Department of Education. It will work to support Oregon’s young children and families by focusing on child care, early learning programs, supporting the early childhood workforce, cross systems integration, policy, research and equity.
Oregon School for the Deaf
Address: 999 Locust St. NE, Salem 97301-5254
Phone: 503-378-3825;
Video phone: 503-400-6180
Fax: 503-378-4701
Contact: Dr. Sharla Jones, Director
The Oregon School for the Deaf (OSD) educates Deaf and Hard of Hearing students (K-21) who require services and support not provided through their regular public school. OSD is funded by legislative appropriation and is governed by ODE. In the 2021-2022 school year, 100 students were enrolled at the school at no cost to their families.
Youth Development Council and Division
Address: 255 Capitol St. NE, Salem 97310-0203
Phone: 503-378-5148
Contact: Brian Detman, Director
The Youth Development Division (YDD) develops state policy and administers funding for community, tribal and school-based youth development programs, services and initiatives. The Youth Development Council (YDC) is the governing body for the division. They provide strategic guidance, expertise and advocacy for youth through changes in state law and policy. They also direct funding for programs and services that support youth educational success, reengagement in education, career/workforce development and juvenile crime prevention.
The mission of the Youth Development Division and the Youth Development Council is to align systems and invest in communities to ensure equitable and effective services for youth ages six through 24. Throughout Oregon and Tribal nations, the YDD and YDC support educational and career success, disrupt youth crime and violence, and affirm youth strengths and safety.