The North Umpqua River from North Bank Road. (Oregon State Archives Photo)
County Seat: Courthouse, 1036 SE Douglas Ave., Roseburg 97470
Phone: 541-672-3311 (General); 541-957-2409 (Court Administrator)
Fax: 541-440-6292
Established: Jan. 7, 1852
Elev. at Roseburg: 475'
Area: 5,071 sq. mi.
Average Temp.: January 41.2° July 68.4°
Assessed Value: $10,565,175,743
Real Market Value: $18,117,195,407
(includes the value of non-taxed properties)
Annual Precipitation: 33.35"
Economy: Forest products, mining, agriculture, fishing and recreation
Incorporated Cities
Points of Interest
Winchester Bay, Salmon Harbor, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, North Umpqua River, Diamond Lake, historic Oakland, Wildlife Safari, Douglas County Museum, wineries
History and General Information
Douglas County was named for U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Abraham Lincoln’s opponent in the presidential election of 1860 and an ardent congressional advocate for Oregon. Douglas County was created in 1852 from the portion of Umpqua County which lay east of the Coast Range summit. In 1862, Douglas County absorbed what remained of Umpqua County.
Douglas County extends from sea level at the Pacific Ocean to 9,182-foot at Mount Thielsen in the Cascade Range. The Umpqua River marks the dividing line between northern and southern Oregon, and its entire watershed lies within the county’s boundaries. The county contains nearly 2.8 million acres of commercial forest lands and the largest stand of old growth timber in the world, which still provides the region’s main livelihood.
Approximately 25% of the labor force is employed in the forest products industry. Agriculture includes field crops, orchards and livestock. Over 50% of the land area of the county is federal public land.
County Officials
Commissioners—Chair Tim Freeman 2027; Chris Boice 2027, Tom Kress 2027; Dist. Atty. Richard Wesenberg 2025; Assess. Heather Coffel 2027; Clerk Daniel J. Loomis 2025; Justices of the Peace Machelle Briggs-Mayfield 2025 & Kathleen Miller 2025; Sheriff John Hanlin 2025; Surv. Ronald Quimby 2027; Treas. Samuel W. Lee 2025