The surgeon's quarters at the Fort Dalles Museum in The Dalles. (Oregon State Archives Photo) First General Land Office opens in Oregon City
Willamette Valley Treaty Commission negotiates treaties
Teamsters discover gold in Rogue River Valley
Anson Dart convenes Tansy Point Treaty Council at mouth of Columbia
First U.S. Army post, Fort Orford, built at Port Orford
U.S. Coast Survey begins charting shoreline
Territorial legislature adopts Oregon law code
U.S. Army establishes Fort Lane in Rogue River Valley
Territorial legislature publishes
Oregon Archives
Congress funds Scottsburg-Myrtle Creek Wagon Road
Cow Creek and Rogue River Indians negotiate treaties with U. S.
Congress carves Washington Territory out of Oregon Territory
First coal exports begin on southwest Oregon coast
Pacific Railroad Surveys examine potential routes
Umatilla and Nez Perce tribes sign treaties at Walla Walla Treaty Council, reserving land and rights to food resources
Warms Springs tribes sign treaty reserving land and rights to food resources
Rogue River Indian War and Yakima Indian War commence
President James Buchanan creates Siletz Reservation
Territorial capitol burns in Salem
Congress passes Homestead Act
First Oregon Cavalry raises six companies
Gold rush commences to Blue Mountains
First portage railroad completed at Cascades
Laws passed banning interracial marriages; requiring Blacks, Chinese, Hawaiians (Kanakas) and Mulattos to pay annual $5 tax, those not able to pay required to perform road maintenance