Government Finance: Related Resources

John Deere wagon
A John Deere wagon on Mountaindale Road in Washington County. (Oregon State Archives Photo)
The following resources offer more information about budgets, revenue forecasts, taxes, and related topics. Also see Oregon Topics: Taxation.

Oregon State Legislature

Legislative Fiscal Office

The Legislative Fiscal Office publishes detailed analyses of the Legislatively Adopted Budget and the Governor’s Recommended Budget.

Legislative Revenue Office

The Legislative Revenue Office publishes reports on revenue-related issues including Oregon Public Finance: Basic Facts, which serves as an introduction to how Oregon government is financed.

Oregon Department of Administrative Services

Chief Financial Office

The Chief Financial Office publishes The Budget Process Overview and Governor’s Recommended Budget. 

Office of Economic Analysis

The Office of Economic Analysis publishes periodic Economic and Revenue Forecasts, as well as related demographic data.

Department of Revenue

The Department of Revenue publishes information about taxes in Oregon.

Oregon Transparency

The site publishes information about state budgets and revenue in Oregon.