Oregon's Economy: Income
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The Wallowa Mountains and an abandoned barn along Zumwalt-Buckhorn Road. (Oregon State Archives Photo)
Per capita personal income, a broader measure than just wages of the income Oregonians receive from all sources, was $56,311 per person in 2020. In addition to wages, personal income includes proprietors’ income; income from dividends, interest, and rent; and transfer receipts.
The national per capita personal income reached $59,147 in 2020. Oregon’s per capita personal income was 95% of the nation’s and ranked 23rd among the states and Washington, D.C. Oregon’s real per capita personal income, adjusted for inflation, grew 15.8% from 2020. That was the sixth fastest income growth among the states and Washington, D.C. and faster than the national inflation-adjusted growth rate of 11.6%.
Despite lower average incomes than the nation as a whole, Oregon’s poverty rate is about the same as the nation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an average of 12.4% of Oregon residents lived in families with incomes below the poverty threshold from 2016 through 2020. The U.S. poverty rate was 12.8%. Oregon ranked 26th among the states with the lowest percentage of people living in poverty.