Oregon Health and Science University
The Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in rural Clackamas County. (Oregon State Archives Photo) Danny Jacobs, M.D., President
Address: 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd., Portland 97239-3098
Board of Directors:
ohsu.edu/about/board-directorsThe Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) includes Oregon’s only academic health center and has schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health (in partnership with PSU), and other health care professional programs. OHSU has been organized as a public corporation since 1995 and is governed by a board of directors, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate. The state continues to support OHSU programs through grants and general funds that totaled $79.2 million in the 2019–2021 biennium.
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Address: PO Box 3175, Eugene 97403
Phone: 541-346-5729
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) is a regional organization created by the Western Regional Education Compact, adopted in the 1950s. WICHE facilitates resource sharing among the higher education systems of the West. Fifteen states, including Oregon, are members of WICHE, which is governed by three governor-appointed commissioners from each state. Under terms of the compact, each state commits to support WICHE’s basic operations through annual dues established by the full commission. Oregon’s three commissioners are Ben Cannon, Salem; Camille Preus, Pendleton; and Hilda Rosselli, Salem.