Examples of Records in the Holdings

​The scope of records in the holdings of the Archives is expansive. This section samples some of the oldest records.​​​​

Online Exhibits

Letterhead Artwork

Samples of letterhead artwork from letters sent to Gov. Charles Sprague, 1938-1942.

Legislative Minutes, Exhibits, Bill Files

Sample pages of legislative content from 1983
​​​​​​​​​Next: The Vaults >​​​​​​​​​​​​

Historic Trademarks

Black and white image of an oregon coast highway winding along a mountain side with the ocean close to the edge.This trademark label filed with the Oregon Secretary of State in 1936 shows a less developed section of the coastal highway. The label is one of over 10,000 in the Archives holdings.
See more labels in the exhibit Sold In Oregon: Historical Oregon Trademarks​.