The east alcove of the reference room contains microfilm and microfiche as well as five reader/printers for
both formats. Many
microfilm records stored in the alcove are described in two sets of guides:
Legislative minutes and exhibits from 1947 to 1995 are available in microfilm and documented as part of the
Oregon Legislative Records Guide.
Census, death, marriage, divorce, land records and indexes are available on microfilm and microfiche. These are described in the topical research aids in the reference room and in the
Archival Records Guides.
Additional local, state, and federal agency records on microfilm are also available. They are documented in the microfilm index
in the reference room.
Published and Printed Resources
The reference room contains published and printed resources to enhance research, primarily in two categories: legal and genealogical/general. Some major components:
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), 1989-present
Oregon Revised Statutes Replacement Pages, 1953-1987
Oregon Code Books, pre-1953
Oregon Revised Statutes Reviser's Notes, 1953
Oregon Laws and Senate and House Journals, 1843-present
Oregon Administrative Rules Compilations, 1997-present
Oregon Reports (Oregon Supreme Court), 1853-1999
Oregon Reports (Oregon Court of Appeals), 1969-1996
Legislators and Staff Guide, 1841-2009
Oregon Blue Books, 1911-present
Black's Law, 7th Edition, 1999
County abstracts and indexes (typically include probate, census, marriage and cemetery)
Federal census indexes
Donation Land Claim indexes and abstracts (Oregon and Washington)
General histories of Oregon
Dictionary of Oregon History
Oregon Geographic Names
Oregon Historical Quarterly indexes, 1900-1980
General genealogy guidebooks
Genealogy books from other states
A shelf list itemizing the contents of the reference library is in the reference room.