​This is a staging website for testing.  The public website is over at sos.oregon.gov.

1969 Legislative Tape and Audio Logs


Not all records from 1969 have been digitized. 

If what you're looking for isn't here you can Order Copies from the Oregon State Archives online​.


House Floor​​

House Judiciary

House Judiciary HB 1707

House Labor & Management​

House Natural Resources: HB 1042HB 1294​

House Planning & Development

House Public Welfare

House State & Federal Affairs​


Joint Ways and Means: HB 1482 | HB 1858​


​Senate Agriculture: SB 10 | SB 110​ | SB 212 

Senate Education: SB 8 | SB 65 & 66​

Se​n​​ate​ Financial Affairs: SB 97​SB 365

Senate Fish & Game: SB 61

Senate Judiciary​

Senate Judiciary: SB 59 | SB 95 | SB 506​

Senate Labor and Industries SB 230​
Senate Local Government: SB 31​ | SB 32​SB 39
Senate Military Affairs SB 211​
Senate State and Federal Affairs: SB 4​SB 46​ | SB 55 SB 207
Senate Taxation: SB 28​